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How to Track Billable Time

In our last blog post, we talked about Quickbooks Online integrated applications for tracking mileage. This week we’re still talking QBO integrations, but now it’s all about TIME!

In your small business, time is quite literally money, whether it’s billable to your client or the hours that go into figuring out your payroll, you absolutely must be tracking work hours!


Time Management


Tracking your and your employee’s time is important, obviously. But, like most things in business.... Just because it’s important doesn’t mean it’s convenient or easy though!


Time tracking applications exist to save you time and to help prevent mistakes. Many options allow you to code different pay rates, set schedules or approve time, and view basic reports on how much time and money are going to different types of work.


All of the applications we’re covering here will integrate directly with Quickbooks Online, making it easier to accurately track your payroll liabilities and keep your books up to date.



The QBO top pick for integrated time tracking, Tsheets offers a desktop and mobile application for time recording and approval. They boast basic time tracking along with scheduling, reports, and the ability to program different pay rates including vacation and overtime. Their scheduling and report features can help your small business with job costing and forecasting.


They offer all of their features free to the self employed user, but that’s only a single person. After that they charge a per month fee as well as a per employee fee. They offer a tier for small businesses (2-99 employees) and an enterprise level (100+).




Next we have eBillity, which offers a robust time tracking and scheduling service. It’s features include GPS tracking, schedule management, and several bonus tier features. They also offer a suite of reports based on your payment level. eBillity also allows you to track time on and offline, and on all of your devices!

They do offer a free trial, but only paid long-term options. Their second tier offers invoicing and billing features along with online payments. The most expensive tier offers various legal forms and integrations (including Clio integration and pre-formatted invoices). While more expensive than most other options, they offer a specific set of customized features that may be very useful to your small business.




ClockShark is a cool application made with field service jobs specifically in mind. They provide GPS-enabled time tracking from your mobile phone with information sharing capabilities. ClockShark provides you with scheduling and approval tools as well as the ability to calculate job costs.

They only offer one level of pricing, but the bonus to that is that you don’t have to decide which features you need! ClockShark is relatively straightforward to use and even offers you a two week trial to see if you like it.




A cloud-based application to integrate with your cloud-based accounting software, how handy! Like other popular options, you can access it from any internet enabled device to update time sheets, log hours, and track expenses. It even has a GPS tracker and basic reports. Along with this, you can also take pictures of receipts with your phone and attach them to expense reports.


Like ClockShark, Minute7 offers a flat price per user, per month, but their fees are significantly less expensive than Clockshark and may offer all the features that you need. They also offer a month long free trial so you can see if it fulfills your needs.




MinuteDock is a convenient web-based application that allows you to track time, projects, and budgets. As with all the other applications here, it integrates with Quickbooks Online to make your life easier. You can also access it from your mobile phone and edit your time easily, either by using the timer or by entering the time yourself.


When you integrate Minutedock with QBO it syncs up projects and contacts, importing all of your clients directly into MinuteDock’s lists. This allows you to tie a client or project to your logged time.


Like most apps, they offer a straight monthly fee. The price increases with the number of users you have. They also offer a custom-designed system for larger small businesses.




HourLogger is another specialized tracking app, this time made specifically for contractors. It caters to the one-person bands, and does it in style. It’s also web based, so all you need is a device with internet access and you’re good to go.


They give you a lot of options for customizing and exporting your data for invoices, and with direct QBO integration, you can take that data a very long way. It’s a flat monthly fee for schedule C businesses who need reliable tracking without extra hassle (or buttons).

Moral of the story.... Your Time is Precious and Valuable!


We know how important time is. For your business, and your sanity.


Tracking time is a necessary part of running a business, but it doesn’t have to take up all of your time. Above are some of the best applications currently available, and we’re confident you will find one of them to suit you and your small businesses needs!

Now that you know what’s out there, you’re ready to take your time back!

As always, we're all about empowering you to be a more prepared business owner and sharing with you the tools you need to be successful!


Where the Apps At? 


When looking for time tracking apps that integrate with QB Online remember.... Quickbooks Online has a dedicated Application section that includes all Intuit-approved apps and integrations for QBO.

In this "app store" there is a mix of free and paid software, and many offer free and paid options.

When you're logged into QBO, you can find the App section of QBO on the left sidebar.

Stay Tuned....

You've learned how to track your miles, track your time, next week we're going to show you easy ways to track your payroll! Payroll is more than just paying yourself and your employees, it’s includes keeping track of tax payments and records as well as keeping information ready for tax season.

Next week on the blog we will begin our Payroll series!

Disclaimer This article presents general information and is not intended to be tax or legal advice.  Refer to IRS publications and discuss possible tax deductions with your tax preparer.

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